
Thu, 01 Feb 2024 18:53:37

Well hello there dear reader and follower of my devlog.
Definetly not some random guy who just found this website.
Tonight with great pleasure do i report that...

I did it!

GHOSTS: Body ghosts, marked with a red square, they are not real and just serve to make an illusion of recursion.
BODIES: Actual bodies that are attached to an object. Colored green.

Recursion with collisions!
I really did just do it. This was pretty much the hardest thing to implement so far and the only reason for that is my perfectionism.
I am my own greatest enemy. In The End only i and i alone will be responsible for all my problems in life and my death.
Oh... How much i wanted to have my own physics engine designed specifically for my tasks...

But alas, some things are never meant.

I guess i unforeshadowed the foreshadowing when i called out the foreshadowing on my claim of never making a physics engine.

The physics engine was a red herring all along!

I have also started work on a level editor.
Originally i wanted it to be built into the game, but i ran into a problem with Monogame's SetData method.
As such i just made it in C++ with raylib. In under a week.
Right now it is very raw and lacks certain features but by the time next post drops it will probably be in a more presentable state.
Presentable enough to drop a download link to it.

The level in the above gif was made enterly in editor.

As you can see the development is going well.
There is one problem...

I have no idea what to do with this game.

This is the end of this post i guess.
I used to do them on the end of every month and a week in advance but now i do it on the start of every month and in a single night
A rather huge twist huh?

See you next time.
It does feel like these new posts are missing something doesn't it?