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Fri, 01 Sep 2023 16:32:59


IF ONLY......

Remmember how in previous post i mentioned a certain bug with rendering?
Previous post featured cool secrets like this --------------------->

I spent this entire fucking month trying to fix that bug. It got so bad that i even considered making a post about it in here asking for help.
Thank god it never came to this tough. I would never ask a bunch of complete strangers on the internet for help, and it is likely that none of you would actually help me anyways and would simply waste my time so i did not miss out on anything, in fact, i only gained precious experinence and saved precious time by not asking for help and solving the problem on my own, relying on other people would only slow me down and as a result i would never finish this game ever.

OK here is the fix:

You have no idea how painful it was to come up with this solution. And i am not even sure if it fixes it or just reduces it so much that it dissapears.
I also have no idea why it fixes the shaking.

However i hope that if you develop games with monogame and also ran into this issue this post helped you.

Ok you have read enough words here are some gifs of the game.
If only i could fix that bug sooner there could have been so much more.

Oh if only you've played the original verison of the game.
You see;
In the original game you could only attack in 4 directions based on the arrow keys.
On practice it was actually 3 directions since you could only attack up, down, and whatever direction you where facing.
Normally you couldn't turn around without moving.
But you could turn around by pressing a direction while holding ctrl but i didn't tell that to anyone who played the game.

Now this is a dash. It is a new mechanic.
Original game did not have this.

But, it has some properties from OG's attack.
In the original game attacking a wall would multiply your velocity by 2 and invert it.
Now normal attack no longer does that, instead this was moved to the dash.

Have some more gifs.

You just love gifs don't you.

I hope that the game will be fun.

And where is all the fun without questionable design decisions?

Now, for the last batch of words for this post.

Remmember how i said that i'd never code a physics engine?
I had a change of plans.
Maybe i'd even have something to show if i didn't spend the entire fucking month fixing a stupid bug.
Now, imagine this happening every time you want to do anything.
Thats how development in unity was like.

If only i hadn't had that bug...

If only i fixed it sooner...

If only i never touched unity...

Oh if only...