Welcome to the new normal.
No more original content and funny jokes.
No more secrets.
No more personality.
Only automatically generated blog-posts.
What the fuck is happening????
I am currently in the process of updating this website to use hugo.
While i mostly used to post about my game development i think i should change that.
After all, there are a lot of people who do not know what they are talking about but still manage to be popular.
Like this guy. Can you imagine being this guy? I couldn’t image begin more wrong than that. Although i certainly can.
How am i worse? After all, i am all of that & more. Except popular of course… It’s not my fault anyway.
Rewriting everything with hugo is also part of my efforts to streamline my shitposting.
I hope this new website will be more presentable and easier to manage.
Some content from the old website was relativley good and funny. So i went over it to list it all here.

As i am writing this i wonder if i should change it. I’ll only find out in the future. You can find out right now.

Just a post.


This is rather sad. Nothing has changed since.